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Bro. Ritechus N. Dignation - Dose Of Reality
By Joseph Harris
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Are You A Thermostat Or A Thermometer?


In almost every modern home, there is a little box on a wall called a thermostat. It controls the climate in the house. Also contained in that box is a thermometer, which measures the temperature inside the house. The thermostat responds to the temperature of the thermometer, based on its setting and will turn the heating/cooling unit on or off depending on the setting. One measures, one makes a difference.

Are you a thermostat or a thermometer? A lot of Christians are nothing more than a thermometer. They take on the temperature of their environment. At church, they are holy, kind, patient and considerate. Away from the church crowd, they are rude, crude, impatient and act like their worldly environment. They do nothing more than reflect and emulate their environment.

Thermostat Christians make a change in the temperature of their environment. When backbiting begins, they refrain and instead use edifying words. When confronted in anger, they answer softly and not in wrath for "The wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God", according to Brother James. They are not affected by the cold or the heat. They walk to the beat of the Holy Spirit, since they are filled with Him and they make a difference in their environment.

When Peter stood by the fire warming himself, as Jesus was being tried illegally, he took on the climate of the world. When confronted with his identity and association with Jesus, he lied, then swore. Peter reflected the temperature of the world. He was a thermometer.

When Demas forsook Paul and loved this present world, he was a thermometer and of no use to Paul or God. The Macedonian believers, however, became a thermostat and made a difference and along with Paul, became "ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia" (I Thess. 1:7) and they also became a thermometer as they took on the climate of Paul and God, "And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord..." (I Thess. 1:6).

Three well known thermostats in the Bible were the Hebrews in Daniel who would not bow to the king. When everyone else was doing it, they absolutely refused to bow to a man made image. They were so locked in to God that they vowed to not bow whether, God preserved them or not. The issue for them was not deliverance, but integrity.

Oh God give us some thermostat Christians who will stop reflecting the temperature of this world and its filth, and who are more concerned about pleasing the Holy God of the universe, as they set the temperature of Godliness in their family, church, work place and community. To receive Dose of Reality, send an email to houdini59@att.net with ADD in the subject line. To discontinue receiving Dose of Reality, please respond with REMOVE in the subject line.

If you like Dose of Reality and know someone of like mind who would enjoy receiving it, forward it to them. It will be up to them, however to subscribe. Also, check out Joseph Harris on Facebook and for more from Brother Ritechus N. Dignation, go to www.josephharrismagic.com/rnd

All material on Dose of Reality (including writings and quotes from Brother Ritechus N. Dignation) is original, unless otherwise indicated. Dose of Reality is written by Joseph Harris and the content sometimes contains sarcasm and humor for emphasis of truth. Original material may be republished and quoted without prior permission, but only verbatim and with Joseph Harris and www.josephharrismagic.com/rnd included for credit.

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